Da engenharia ao turismo

O medo do desconhecido, de uma mudança radical em nossas vidas, mesmo que seja porque atualmente você está infeliz, é inevitável. É a insegurança e incerteza que gera esse medo, porém a maioria das…


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SEO Will Help People Find Your Site

But It Takes Quality Content to Drive Conversions

Whether you are building a new brand or updating an established website, you need quality content to help establish your authority and boost SEO. Google has gotten much smarter about how sites are indexed. The days when poorly crafted content, with great keywords, could still rank well are over.

If you have gone through the time, hassle, and expense to build an online presence for your business or firm, why stop short of filling the space with valuable content? Poor content is easy and cheap to produce, but the results it will yield reflect the effort put into it. I see many sleek, elegant business websites with cringe-worthy content. Why is this such a bad choice?

Even if your less than ideal content managed to catch the interest of the spiders, and you can be found using carefully crafted keywords, customers will be turned off by poorly written content.

Put yourself in your customers’ or clients’ positions. If you are embattled in a bitter divorce, and gearing up to fight for custody of your children, but you know nothing about the legal system, you head to Google to start your search.

You type in a search phrase like “child custody Jonesville, USA” to pull up attorneys who specialize in child custody cases near you. You click on the first one that grabs your attention. The content is clean and polished, but you can’t understand what they are saying.

Legalese is not a language in which the world is fluent, so you bounce from that site to the next where there is an interesting and clearly written blog about custody cases in your state. After reading the blog that answered your questions, who would you call for a consultation?

In the above situation, the problem is that a firm created a business to business (B2B) website when its goal should have been to attract new clients. That type of writing is called business to client (B2C). Knowing your intended audience and writing clear, concise, and engaging content for that audience is crucial.

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